Are you curious about building Facebook and Facebook advertising into your social media strategy. Well, it’s a good way to go. Especially when 2.8 billion people use the platform making it one of the most popular social media apps out there.

And if you need to know a little more about this amazing platform, then we’ve answered some of the internet’s most frequently asked questions below. Take a read!

What is Facebook advertising?

Facebook advertising is a way to pay for your ads to be shown to Facebook users in the Facebook app (desktop too).

A few places the ads can be shown on Facebook is: 

  • directly in the newsfeed 
  • with in-stream videos
  • through sponsored messages

Where do I start?

To begin Facebook advertising, you obviously need to have a Facebook account but particularly you need to create a Business Manager account. From there you’ll need an ad account.

How do I determine the right campaign type for my business?

When creating a campaign, you need to know your aim or objective.

Below, we’ve listed 3 types of objectives to choose from and what they mean.

Awareness – this is the objective to choose if you simply want to promote/advertise your product, service, or brand. Facebook will show your ad to as many people as possible in your target audience. 

Consideration – this is the objective to choose if you want people to learn more information about your product, service, or brand. 

Conversions – this is the objective to choose if you want people who are already familiar with your brand to make a purchase or otherwise “convert” into a customer.

What should I be putting on Facebook that will create real engagement?

A couple of ways to increase comment engagement included: 

Questions – Asking your audience an interesting, open-ended question that they will be compelled to answer. 

Contests – Contests are a great way to promote comments and shares.

Giveaways –  Giveaways are like contests, but different in the sense that the winner will be chosen at random instead of based on their answer or entry.

There’s obviously so many more questions we could answer, but we don’t want to smash it all into one blog! So keep your eyes out for another part…

Follow us on social media too for more advice and tips.

